Graduated from Stenhus College, Holbæk, summer 1990
Medical degree ( from Copenhagen University Summer 1999
Authorization for medical work June 1999
Norwegian medical authorization January 2004
Ph.D. from Copenhagen University October 2011
Swedish medical authorization january 2017
Medlemskab i foreninger og selskaber
Nuværende og tidligere arbejdspladser
Udgivelse af publikationer og artikler
Ph.D. Non-melanoma skin cancer in Denmark. Incidence and risk factors
Primary mucosal melanoma of the head and neck in Denmark, 1982-2012: Demographic and clinical aspects. A retrospective DAHANCA study. Lawaetz M, Birch-Johansen F, Friis S, Eriksen JG, Kiss K, Gade S, Møller-Madsen M, Pourbordbari N, von Buchwald C. Acta Oncol. 2016 Mar 31:1-8
Intake of alcohol patterns may modify the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer: Results from a large Danish prospective cohort study. Birch-Johansen F, Jensen A, Christensen J, Olesen AB, Overvad K, Tjønneland A, Kjær SK. J Invest Dermatol, may 1, 2012
Does hormone replacement therapy and use of oral contraceptives increase the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer? Birch-Johansen F, Jensen A, Christensen J, Olesen AB, Overvad K, Tjønneland A, Kjær SK. Cancer Causes Control. 2012 Feb;23(2):379-88
Spiller HPV-infektion en rolle for udvikling af non-melanom hudkræft hos immunkompetente personer. Birch-Johansen F, Norrild B, Olesen AB, A. Jensen, Kjær SK. Publiceret i Ugeskr Læger 2011 Nov 14
Trends in the incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer in Denmark 19782007: Rapid incidence increase among young Danish women. Birch-Johansen F, Jensen A, Mortensen L, Olesen AB, Kjær SK. Int J Cancer. 2010 Nov;127(9):2190-8.
Socioeconomic status and non-melanoma skin cancer: A nationwide cohort study of incidence and survival in Denmark. Steding-Jessen M, BirchJohansen F, Jensen A, Schüz J, Kjær SK, Dalton SO. Cancer Epidemiol. 2010 Dec;34(6):689-95.
Malignant melanoma in association with or mimicking blue naevus. Birch-Johansen FH, Sjøstrand H, LockAndersen J. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg. 2010 Apr;44(2):11820.
Social inequality and incidence of and survival from malignant melanoma in a populationbased study in Denmark, 1994-2003. Birch-Johansen F, Hvilsom G, Kjaer T, Storm H. Eur J Cancer. 2008 Sep;44(14):20439.
Dynamic optical coherence tomography of histamine induced wheals. Skin Research and Technology 2018 Dec. Olsen B, Birch-Johansen F, Themstrup L, Jemec GB
Short-time psychotherapy intervention for longstanding alopecia areata: a case report. Fhager J, Birch-Johansen F, Svensson Å, Sjöström K and Dalgard F. September 2018.